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Saturday, July 27, 2024, 4:27 AM
Home Top News Lawyers Demand Elections In 90 Days But Differ On Date For Nationwide Protests

Lawyers Demand Elections In 90 Days But Differ On Date For Nationwide Protests

Lawyers's convention held by SCBA passes a 15-point resolution calling on all state institutions to operate within constitutionally defined parameter

by NWMNewsDesk
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Lawyers from across Pakistan on Thursday showed unity in passing a resolution demanding that all state institutions operate within their constitutionally defined boundaries and that general elections should be held within the constitutionally stipulated 90 days.

However, the community split on when it would launch its vaunted ‘Lawyers’ Movement’ with conflicting dates offered.

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Thursday organised an “All Pakistan Lawyers’ Convention to Protect, Defend and Preserve the Constitution, Rule of Law and Human Rights” in Islamabad.

At the culmination of the convention, the SCBA issued the resolution adopted by the lawyers from across Pakistan.


The resolution stated there is an alarming and ongoing blatant disregard for the principles of justice, the authority of courts, and compliance with judges’ orders.

It added that it was imperative to ensure that general elections are conducted within the constitutionally prescribed timeframe of 90 days of the dissolution of the assemblies.

However, it expressed concern about how the Constitutional timelines for holding general elections were being disregarded and ignored by institutions that had been “created and established by the Constitution itself for the purpose,” thus creating a constitutional void and chaos.

The resolution further stated how Pakistan was passing through “one of the most critical periods in its constitutional and political history” wherein the constitutional dispensation is under “serious threat and judicial verdicts are being trampled upon”.

Accusing law enforcing agencies and institutions of “violating and undermining the human rights and civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution,” the resolution said that recent forced disappearances have raised serious concerns.

“It is a constitutional duty to ensure the protection of fundamental rights with equality for all citizens,” the forum reminded, and went on to condemn the repeated arrests of political leaders and dissenting voices, recognising these actions as an “abuse of power and political victimisation.”


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